Welcome to ToxDB
A Toxicogenomics Database
ToxBD uses gene expression profiles from drug-treated cells and combines this information with interaction data to determine genes, pathways, and network modules that are affected most by a given drug. The presented data enables researchers to determine the mechanics and degree of drug induced cellular responses. ToxDB has been designed for and is tightly integrated in the European projects diXa and HeCaToS.
Currently, ToxDB includes expression data from the TG-GATEs and Drug Matrix studies accounting for a total of 437 distinct drugs under different treatment conditions, such as cell type, dosage and time point (7464 treatments covering 437 drugs). In future, all studies contained in the diXa warehouse are expected to be added to the database. Human pathways and other protein-protein interaction (PPI) data are derived from the in-house ConsensusPathDB, which integrates interaction networks from a plethora of public resources like Kegg, Reactome, BioCarta and many more. In total, 4593 pathways are featured (2694 with response scores).